For those of the digital realm...
meet the Pluto Crew...
Pluto Radio is produced by musicians, for musicians.
Unsung, hosted by Lee Crisman, guest hosted by many... "Playing the music that deserves to be heard." - was the original battle cry of the commercial free Pluto Radio stream. Dedicated to playing music from the unknown regions of the galaxy, in variety, a sort of free form 24/7 radio station of the people, for the people of the planet.
We are constantly evolving into a new thing on a daily basis, we celebrate the free expression of the human imagination, we prefer those who explore the quixotic in life with an attachment to the cosmic soul, and, we applaud all who breathe existence out of nothing...
~music for every unconventional one of us!
JORG'S WORLD, amazing Jørg from Germany, an amazing musician himself, brings his brilliant rock and roll perspective to the station every Sunday 2pm, and, 8pm Detroit time (which is 8pm, and 2am German time) Jørg's shows can also be hear in regular rotation throughout the week - radio by musicians for musicians.
Marvelous rock and roller CHRIS STEVEN brings his amazing rock and roll radio show - THE DAWG HOUSE - to the Pluto transmission. Chris spins incredible tunes from bands around the planet, also mixing in some of his own cool blustering rock vibe, with personal insight infused with rock star quality.
Lee Crisman - self described alien killer - founded Pluto Radio in the early days of internet radio. Back in the early 2000s Lee was working his fugitive conspiracy radio show out of Roswell for a good may years and took note of the international corporate control of media which was subjugating the hearts and minds of all free thinking people. He created the commercial free Pluto Radio station "for those on the planet who wished to remain outside of the amalgamated throng - playing music that deserves to be heard!"
There are and have always been amazing hosts with us here at Most who host with us are musicians themselves - hence the idea that we are "Radio by musicians for musicians"" - regardless, all who host have a near holy love for music and enjoy helping build the Pluto radio family here at the station. If you click the green button to the lower right you will see a short list of those who are plugged into the vibe...
The commercial free Pluto Radio stream currently accepts music submissions at We recommend you send us downloadable links with whatever permissions we would need to access and use your material on
vibe @ Pluto Radio
the CLASSIC Unsung radio...
Radio by musicians for musicians... Some of the many guest hosts who have appeared here on the station - mostly musicians themselves - include a wide range of international rock and roll personalities, including Stalker Kimmy, John Ludi, Redgrave Jones, Lee Negin, Tomorrow Man, Paul E. Phonics, LA Dave, Terri from the Dresden, Tom Trapp, along with a host of others via this rockin' it universe.