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the Monday 3 / 8s slot on Pluto Radio...


As most Pluto Radio participants know already, we have a tendency to have our premiere hosted shows post 8pm German time + 8pm Detroit time + 8pm Pacific time - the 3 / 8s on any given day. Current rotations include CHRIS STEVEN on Saturdays, also JØRG'S WORLD on Sundays. All shows, currently, are music driven with brilliant musical personalities hosting. However, we will be adding in talk radio Mondays on the 3 / 8s.

Pluto Radio program director John Reneaud will be posting up with irreverent, sometimes relevant conversations, which may include music talk, but, will mostly be a randomized interpretations of life, or, maybe not. Some shows will be via his MOBILE RADIO CARNIVAL, others will be with him speaking to interesting fellow travelers on the planet. We begin the transmissions of these hour long audio adventures on Monday, March 6th, when we revisit John's conversation with fellow Los Angeles musician Anthony Bernal = 8pm German time + 8pm Detroit time + 8pm Pacific time = on the 8s. Enjoy.

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