Pluto Radio Vibe
Thank you to the METAL BYRDS for your amazingly creative Thanksgiving Tyme song. We certainly appreciate your vibe, and, the extra gravy tune this time out was exceedingly entertaining. We expect to dig through the archive and get the Metal Byrds Christmas on Pluto tune back into the mix for the upcoming holiday.
Also, we would like to remind musicians that we do accept submissions at plutoradiomusic@gmail.com. We accept any rock and roll tune, of any rock genre, however, currently we are looking for ProgRock, and, Dark Country vibe. It is best to submit mp3 files for airplay on the station.
Pluto Radio has been broadcasting commercial free “music that deserves to be heard” since 2009. We appreciate the bands who participate with their amazing vibe, and, most importantly, those who plug in and listen.
- jreneaud (station manager)